Strategic Plan

Strategic Plan from 2018-2022

Our Vision and Mission are achieved through the use of a Choose, Get, Keep Model of Service Delivery.

Choose, Get, Keep is an approach used to provide persons with mental illness a range of employment services and supports. First, the Employment Training Specialist helps the individual Choose a job that is compatible with their needs, interests, experiences, and personal values. Then the Employment Training Specialist coaches and guides the individual to Get a job through the job search process, by developing an appropriate resume, employability skills development, identifying labour market opportunities, preparing for interviews and negotiating job accommodations if necessary. Ongoing support helps the individual to Keep the job and advance in their career.

Steps2work provide a caring and understanding environment for those living with mental health issues and support optimistic expectations for recovery and successful, sustainable employment. Steps2work respects the needs of employers by supporting them in creating and maintaining work environments that offer opportunities for mutual success.

Self-Determination and Independence:
Steps2work embraces a client-centred approach that supports the individual to make choices by assisting them to make informed decisions and respect the decisions they make.

Steps2work believes that everyone has a meaningful place in the community and in community life. Steps2work support the rights of those living with mental health issues for full integration into community life and we support the role gainful employment plays in this process.

Steps2work strives to continuously improve and be on the leading edge of practice, as we work in collaboration with our clients, employers, referral sources, other service agencies and funders.

Steps2work is transparent in our actions with our staff, our Board, our clients, our funders and our communities.  We provide information that can be trusted. We support transparency and accountability within the organization through on-going measurement and evaluation.

Our Goals:
Steps2work has a clear vision and mission that is well articulated, understood and shared. The Board and staff strive to be aligned with the vision and aware of their roles in supporting it.

Steps2work has the expertise to provide the full spectrum of employment services, from intake to supportive employment. The services are grounded in best practices and evidence based results.

Steps2work provides a supportive and trusted connection between employers and clients. Job development is seen as strength of the agency.

Steps2work has a strong presence in the community and is recognized as a leader in supporting people with mental health issues in securing and sustaining employment.

Steps2work has well developed networks to support programming and successful outcomes for clients and maintains these networks through an extensive and on-going communication strategy. There are connections with funders and policy makers, collateral service organizations, employer and employer organizations, corporate sponsors and clients and their specific support networks.

Steps2work strives to strengthen the governance function with clear policies and procedures for Board and staff.

Steps2work has the resources to support the service model, including the ability to attract and retain skilled, competent staff and provides a facility that is accessible to meet the needs of program delivery.

Our Objectives:
To proved the right service for the right participant at the right time.

To effectively deliver a range of employment services from intake to follow-up employment supports.

To meet or exceed our service and accountability obligations as required and/or negotiated with our primary and other funders.

To develop a strong community profile with employers, agencies and the client’s support networks.

To engage and support community based employers as they strive to develop a diverse work force.

To develop advisory councils of employers, clients/client support networks.

To develop a resource base for the agency that supports the achievement of our goals and objectives.

To generate financial resources through pursuing alternative funding opportunities, fundraising, fee for service opportunities and prudent financial and investment management.

To develop our staff through providing opportunities for training and professional development related to our services.

To provide opportunities for Board Development Training and Education.

To use evidence from our ongoing data analysis and evaluation to improve the services we provide.

Jennifer E., a former participant of steps2work:

“What an amazing resource and support, those at [steps] provided for me (and many others), I felt empowered, respected, supported.”
